Diagnostic Procedures Part of Pet Wellness Examinations

The term “pet wellness exam” refers to a routine examination performed on an animal even when your pet appears to be healthy. The term “wellness exam” can also apply to a physical exam or a health check-up. Wellness exams are conducted to guarantee that pets are in optimal health.

Check-ups for puppies and other young animals should be done monthly. The average adult pet needs to see a veterinarian yearly for a check-up. For senior pets, exams are recommended at least every six months. Ask your vet about the frequency of scheduling health checks if your pet suffers from a particular ailment.

Tests Done on Pet Wellness Exams

Even healthy animals may hide from illness because of their extraordinary deception ability. If a pet’s health issue is discovered before it displays any symptoms, it can typically be treated or controlled to minimize the long-term impact. Examinations to determine a pet’s health usually include the following.

1. Complete Blood Count

Using this procedure, we may learn about the different blood cell types. Blood cells serve many functions, including transporting oxygen to cells, fighting infections and inflammation, and helping clotting blood. A complete blood count (CBC) can tell you whether you have abnormal cells and also their number in size, shape, and quantity. It’s a commonly used test for diagnosing many different diseases.

2. Biochemistry Profile

The tests in this set can aid in diagnosing diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and many other ailments by providing details about the organs and tissues of the body. Your veterinarian may recommend repeating the biochemistry profile in a few days or weeks, even if there are only slight deviation from the normal. An extended biochemistry profile and imaging tests such as radiographs (X-rays) or ultrasounds could be recommended in cases where the abnormalities are more serious.

3. Urinalysis

A simple urinalysis test can reveal a pet’s urine’s physical and chemical properties. The urinalysis results can be used to assess the condition of kidneys, spot urinary tract infections, and identify inflammation. In addition, it aids in the detection of cancer of the urinary tract and in detecting diabetes. Regular wellness testing in their veterinary clinic should include a urinalysis to see how well your urinary system and kidneys are.

4. Thyroid Testing

The thyroid gland, body’s thermostat, regulates the rate of metabolism. An illness in which the thyroid gland isn’t producing sufficient thyroid hormone, also known as Hypothyroidism, is the most common thyroid issue. Doing routine hormone testing on older dogs in a laboratory, as well as middle-aged ones is crucial. Hypothyroidism is a condition that can affect dogs at any stage of life. Therefore it’s essential to be aware of it if the dog suddenly begins to gain weight, feels tired, is prone to facial or ear infections, or sheds hair from its body and tail.

5. Fecalysis

Fecal tests should be conducted yearly at least two times for most pets. The objective is to identify intestinal parasites like whipworms or hookworms and roundworms. These parasites thrive in your pet’s digestive tract and can make life miserable for both of you. The worms or their eggs may be transported in smaller amounts through your pet’s stool, making them simple to spot under the microscope.

Trusted veterinarian hospitals offer more than just wellness exams; they also provide boarding services so that your pet may remain in a safe and secure environment while you’re gone. Type “pet boarding near me” in your search bar to get a list of trusted veterinary hospitals offering boarding in your area.