How Home Birthing For Your Dog Could Be Made Easier

Our dogs may have an emergency situation at any time. This circumstance may be when your dog is due to deliver her pups. Delivering may be a complex situation, and understanding the fundamentals of this procedure could be a fantastic advantage to the pet owner and your pet dog.

What Items Do I Have to Prepare?

Pet owners must be aware of when their dog is expecting. Obtaining the required products for birthing in your home should be a priority in case we can not go to a veterinary clinic. These items make the procedure of giving birth to your dog an easier and quicker process.

You would need to prepare a whelping box, a basket with a heating pad, and a blanket to move the newborn puppies to. Having emergency supplies like antiseptic wipes, gauze, cotton balls, and antiseptic solutions could be a benefit. Having these things will make a difference in these situations and make them a little easier to go through. You can search online for “puppy and kitten vet in Tracy, CA” to see nearby clinics.


The dog mom understands by instinct what they require to do. Pet owners should carefully watch the mom as she will start becoming restless, stop eating, vomit, and may have some discharge. You need to observe for a grayish sac to drop from the mom’s vulva. When this sac discharges, this would mean the puppy should be out in a few minutes. You can start your search on to get more information.


If no pups turn up after an hour when the sac drops, call your veterinarian right away to know if you should bring her in for emergency treatment or not. You also need to monitor if she needs assistance taking care of her puppies. She should eliminate the membrane immediately, but if she doesn’t, do it yourself, as the pups will suffocate within a few critical minutes.

The placenta will follow after the puppy, so make sure you count it after each birth as it’s important she discharges them as it may be a cause for infection. We also have to remember that the umbilical cord should be cut, sealed, and sanitized.


Puppies, after being born, must be placed in a basket where the mom can see them only until the whelping is finished. If you notice any contractions without pups coming out for more than 2 hours, call the veterinarian. Keep the puppies warm using a heat lamp, and ensure the mom is well-fed.

If the mom can’t supply enough milk to feed the puppies or if she rejects looking after them, you have to do it yourself. If all is well, make sure to schedule an appointment with your vet for appropriate puppy care. We must take the mother to the veterinarian after 24 to 48 hours to check for any problems or injuries from giving birth. If you plan not to breed your puppies in the future, you can click here to get more information.


Welcoming the newest part of your family is incredible, but at the same time, assisting your dog to give birth is not an easy task for both you and the mom dog. You have to make sure they are taken care of and that they receive the appropriate before and aftercare. Getting emergency medical supplies and understanding what to do can make a difference when our pet gives birth.