Top 5 Foods Dogs Should Never Eat

Individuals like to share and inform their fellows of their beloved foods from particular dining establishments or a popular cookbook they’ve purchased somewhere. However, this act must never be tolerated by dog owners to their furry companions as some human foods are dangerous and can be life-threatening for them. As we get going, we’ll discuss the foods that aren’t pet-friendly to spare your canine from possible conditions they may get from eating the wrong foods.

What Foods Dogs Must Never Eat

Dogs can be swift opportunists when getting their paws on delicious treats, but some everyday drinks and foods are extremely poisonous and harmful upon consumption. So we’ve gathered five foods you must always keep away from dogs if you want them to live longer and spend more happy times with you.

1. Mushrooms

These contain varieties of toxins that can cause hallucinations, vomiting, liver and kidney failure, red blood cell damage, and diarrhea to your four-legged companion. Although washed white mushrooms bought from groceries may be alright, choosing a different treat that’s safer and yummier for your pet is much better.

2. Avocados

These fruits contain persin, a poisonous and dangerous substance to dogs. There is more persin in the skin and leaves of avocados, and its several varieties have more or less of this toxic substance. Although persin only becomes dangerous to dogs when consumed in high doses, it’s still risky to feed them avocados.

If you have a backyard with an avocado tree planted, your dog may overindulge in the unripened fruit, but its seeds, pits, and stems are the real culprits that make the mentioned fruit more hazardous to pets. The next time you take your furry buddy for a routine exam in vet facilities like Perry Animal Hospital, seek their recommendations on the nutritious fruits you can feed your pet daily or regularly for peace of mind.

3. Chocolates

No matter how enticing chocolates are to canines and people, it’s a dangerous food canines should never ever consume. Chocolates include theobromine, a stimulant that can poison and cause kidney failure, vomiting, restlessness, diarrhea, tremors, and increased heart rate in pets.

If your furry companion ate a chocolate a few days ago and began to show suspicious signs hours or days later, inquire from a pet pharmacist to see what medical conditions are disturbing their health.

4. Chives, garlic, and onions

The onion family is dangerous to canines, whether raw, cooked, or dry, and may cause red blood cell damage and gastrointestinal inflammations. Symptoms of digestive system conditions in dogs include extreme drooling, loss of appetite, stomach pain and bloating, diarrhea, straining to defecate, constipation, bleeding, vomiting or regurgitation, shock, and dehydration.

These indicators aren’t always immediate and might appear a couple of days later to canines. When you see any of these signs, it’s best to take them to professionals specializing in internal medicine for dogs for immediate treatment and professional suggestions on controlling your pet’s condition.

5. Tea and coffee

A dog’s digestive system won’t react well to coffee and tea, so always keep these away from your pet. Caffeine can also upset a dog’s nervous system, resulting in increased heart rates, seizures, tremblings, vomiting, and diarrhea.